Gene regulation in eukaryotes I: Transcriptional and translational regulation - The ENCODE project

6 important questions on Gene regulation in eukaryotes I: Transcriptional and translational regulation - The ENCODE project

What does ENCODE stand for?

Encyclopedia of DNA Elements.

What is the central goal of ENCODE?

To build a comprehensive list of functional elements in the human genome, also the elements involved in gene regulation.

What are 5 strategies and methods the researchers used?

- Isolate and sequence RNA molecules transcribed from the human genome;
- Identify DNA binding sites for transcription factors;
- Map DNA methylation sites;
- Identify sites of histone modification;
- Map sites where DNase I can cleave DNA.
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What result of the ENCODE project was very surprising?

That 80% of the human genome sequence was linked to a biological function. Scientists had previously thought that most of the DNA was 'junk DNA'.

What results underscore the complexity and precision of gene regulation?

4 million regulatory regions where proteins interact with DNA were mapped.

Why do the results of the ENCODE project lead to a better understanding of human diseases?

Many diseases are caused by genetic variation. Researchers now think that genetic variation of regulatory regions affect gene expression, thereby contributing to the development of certain types of diseases.

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