Gene regulation in eukaryotes II: Epigenetics - Overview of epigenetics

15 important questions on Gene regulation in eukaryotes II: Epigenetics - Overview of epigenetics

What are the two criteria for an event that causes a change in gene expression to be an epigenetic effect?

- The change does not involve a change in the sequence of DNA;
- The change must be passed from cell to cell.

How is this type of change also called and what does it mean?

An epimutation, a heritable change in gene expression that does not alter the sequence of DNA.

What are two words to describe the pass of an epigenetic change from parent to offspring?

Epigenetic inheritance, or transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.
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What kind of epigenetic changes are not passed from parent to offspring?

Environmental agents in for example cigarette smoke could cause an epigenetic change in a lung cell that promotes lung cancer. This would not be transmitted to offspring.

What 5 epigenetic changes are the most common?

- DNA methylation;
- Chromatin remodeling;
- Covalent histone modification;
- Localization of histone variants;
- Feedback loops.

What is chromatin remodeling?

- Nucleosomes are moved or evicted, which causes changes in the level of transcription when the changes occur near the promoter;
- Larger-scale changes happen during, for example, X-chromosome inactivation.

What is covalent histone modification?

Amino acid side chains in the amino-terminal tails of histones can be covalently modified, such as acetylated or phosphorylated. This enhances or inhibits transcription.

What is localization of histone variants?

Histone variants could be localized near the promoter of genes and affect transcription.

What is a feedback loop?

When a gene that encodes for a transcription factor is activated, it may result in a feedback loop in which the transcription factor continues to stimulate its own expression.

In what two ways are specific genes or chromosomes targeted for epigenetic changes?

- A transcription factor recognizes specific gene sequences, binds to them, recruits certain proteins that cause for example DNA methylation;
- A non-coding RNA recognizes specific gene sequences, binds to them, recruits other proteins that cause a epigenetic change.

What is an example of a epigenetic process that is mediated by a ncRNA?

X-chromosome inactivation.

What is a cis-epigenetic mechanism?

An epigenetic change that is only maintained at that site, it does not affect the expression of the same gene elsewhere in the cell nucleus.

What is a trans-epigenetic mechanism?

An epigenetic mechanism that occurs via diffusible molecules, such as proteins or ncRNAs. Because the molecules are diffusible, they influence all the copies of a gene within a cell.

By what kind of experiments can researchers distinguish between cis- and trans-epigenetic mechanisms?

By conducting cell-fusion experiments. Two cells are fused, in which gene B in the one is epigenetically modified, but in the other not. Two outcomes are possible:
- Cis-epigenetic mechanism: in the fused cell, one gene B is modified, the other is not;
- Trans-epigenetic mechanism: in the fused cell, both copies of gene B are now modified.

Which 2 kinds of things can cause epigenetic effects?

- They occur at specific stages of development, like X-chromosome inactivation;
- Environmental factors, like temperature changes and diet.

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