Gene regulation in eukaryotes I: Transcriptional and translational regulation - Regulation of translation

7 important questions on Gene regulation in eukaryotes I: Transcriptional and translational regulation - Regulation of translation

How can mRNAs be regulated?

By RNA-binding proteins that bind to elements within the noncoding region of the mRNA and affect translation of the mRNA, or the degradation of the translation of the mRNA.

How is iron taken up into a cell (steps)?

- After iron is ingested, it becomes bound to transferrin;
- This transferrin-iron complex binds to a transferrin receptor on the surface of cells;
- The complex is transported into the cytosol by endocytosis;
- The iron is released into the cytosol;
- Two things can occur: the iron binds to enzymes that require iron, or the iron is stored within a hollow.

What mRNAs do iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) regulate?

The mRNAs that encode ferritin (hollow in the cell in which iron is stored), and the transferrin receptor.
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To what regulatory element within those two mRNAs does IRP bind?

To iron response element (IRE).

When there is abundant iron in the cell, what happens to the ferritin mRNA?

The iron binds directly to the IRP and causes a conformational change that prevents IRP from binding to the IRE. Therefore, more ferritin is made.

What happens with the transferrin receptor mRNA when iron levels are low?

- IRP binds to IRE;
- The IRP/IRE complex prevents the degradation by endonucleases of the mRNA;
- Uptake of iron in the cell is therefore promoted.

What happens to the transferrin receptor mRNA when iron levels are high?

- Iron binds to IRP;
- IRP dissociates from transferrin receptor mRNA;
- Sites that are recognized by endonucleases in the mRNA are exposed when IRP dissociates;
- The mRNA is degraded, which leads to a decrease in the amount of transferrin receptor.

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