Gene regulation in bacteria - Translational and posttranslational regulation

14 important questions on Gene regulation in bacteria - Translational and posttranslational regulation

What kind of translational regulatory proteins act to inhibit translation?

Translational repressors.

In which 2 ways can translational initiation be inhibited when a translational repressor protein binds to the mRNA?

- It can bind in the vicinity of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and/or the start codon, which thereby sterically blocks the ribosome's ability to initiate translation;
- The translational repressor binds to a regions where it stabilizes an mRNA secondary structure in which, for example, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is inaccessible, and therby blocking translation.

What is a second way that gacteria regulate translation?

Via the synthesis of antisense RNA.
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Which protein is involved in osmoregulation in bacteria?

The ompF gene.

When the osmolarity is high, is the production of the ompF protein increased or decreased?


How does the micF gene inhibit the expression of the ompF gene at high osmolarity?

MicF RNA can bind to the ompF mRNA via hydrogen bonding between complementary regions which prevents the ompF mRNA from being translated.

How is the RNA transcribed form the micF gene called, because of its binding to the ompF mRNA?


What is a common mechanism for regulating the activity of metabolic enzymes?

Feedback inhibition.

How does feedback inhibition work?

The synthesis of many molecules occurs via the action of a series of enzymes that convert precursor molecules to particular products.
In feedback inhibition, the final product in a metabolic pathway inhibits an enzyme that acts early in the pathway

What is an allosteric enzyme?

An enzyme that contains two different binding sites.

When is the final product of a pathway likely to bind to an enzyme early in the pathway to inhibit its function?

When the final product concentration has reached a level that is similar to the product's affinity for enzyme 1.

What is a second strategy to control the function of proteins?

Posttranslational covalent modification, such as phosphorylation and methylation. They affect the function of a protein.

What causes the conversion from one conformation to the other?

The binding of a small effector molecule.

The gene that encodes for which protein is regulated by riboswitches during transcription?


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