Gene regulation in bacteria - Overview of transcriptional regulation

7 important questions on Gene regulation in bacteria - Overview of transcriptional regulation

How are genes, regulated by inducers, called?

Inducible genes.

Which 2 kinds of small effector molecules inhibit transcription?

- Corepressors, they bind to a repressor protein, so that the protein binds to the DNA;
- Inhibitors, they bind to an activator protein, so that the protein cannot bind to the DNA.

How are genes, regulated by corepressors or inhibitors, called?

Repressible genes.
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In which 3 phases of gene expression does regulation take place?

- Transcription
- Translation
- Posttranslation

In which 2 ways does gene regulation on transcription take place?

- Genetic regulatory proteins control the rate of transcription;
- Transcription terminates due to the transcription of a terminator.

In which 2 ways does regulation on translation take place?

- Translational repressor proteins can bind to the mRNA, which prevents translation from starting;
- Antisense RNA can bind to the mRNA and therefore prevent translation from starting.

In which 2 ways does gene regulation take place after translation?

- Feedback inhibition: the product of a metabolic pathway inhibits the first protein of that pathway;
- Covalent modifications to the structure of a protein can alter its function.

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