The River Nile

13 important questions on The River Nile

How long is the river Nile?

6,853 kilometres long

How many countries does the river Nile pass?

11 countries.

What are the 2 main  tributaries of the Nile?

The Blue Nile and the White Nile.
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How do you call it if 2 rivers meet eachother?


What for a river is the Nile?

A rain-fedd river

On what does the discharge in the Nile depents downstream?

The amount of rainfall upstream.

What was one reason the Egyptyans build a dam in the river Nile?

These extremes in the regime of the Nile. High water level in the rainy season and low water level in the dry season.

What is in the middle course of the Nile?

A desert with no rainfall.

How wide does the Nile become at the Aswan High Dam?

16 kilometres?!

How does the river Nile ends?

A perfect delta shape.

How did the Egyptians called the water God?


What is surface irrigation?

Using channel and dyke systems, put water on their fields and leave it so the sediment can sink into the soil.

What can you do in the upper course of the Nile?

Wild water rafting.

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