The Rhine: a river in Europe

14 important questions on The Rhine: a river in Europe

From where to where flows the Rhine?

The Swiss Alps to the Netherlands.

In which countries spans the drainage basin of the Rhine?

Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Luxemburg, France and Austria.

When is the discharge of the Rhine the lowest and when the highest?

Lowest in October, highest in Februari.
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How many metres above the sea level is Lake Toma?

2,345m above sea level.

Where does the upper course of the rhine end?

German city of Bingen.

Between which cities is the middle course of the Rhine?

Bingen and Bonn

How many metres above sea level is the middle course of the Rhine?

77 metres

Into which 3 distributaries splits the Rhine into?

The Waal, the Nederrijn and the IJssel.

How are the large bends created in the Rhine?

By erosion and deposition.

On what where brick factories often located?


Where is the Rhine navigable?

From the Dutch coast to Basel in Switserland.

What is the reason that the harbour in Rotterdam is one of the Largest in the world?

Ships from Rotterdam can easily transport goods as far away as Switzerland.

What are water treatment plants?

Companies which treat water to make it suitable for drinking.

What happened in 1986 with the Rhine?

There where put toxic chemicals in the Rhine.

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