A world of water

10 important questions on A world of water

How do you call water stored in clouds?


The water cycle steps?

1. The atmosphere (in the air)
2. Back to the earth
3. From the sky it falls in a form of rain, hail or snow.
4. Stored in a solid glacier or flow into the ocean
5. Used by humans, plants and animals
6. Some water soaks into the ground and becomes groundwater

Which rivers end up in the North Sea?

The Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt
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Which 4 drainage basins are in the Netherlands?

The Rhine, Meuse, Scheldt and Ems

How do you call small side rivers?


How is a boundary between 2 drainage basins called?

A watershed

What is in the upper course?

Very small river, large rocks, water has a lot of energy.

What is in the lower course?

Big river, little rocks and sand.

How do people access groundwater?

Build pumps.

What is happening to the groundwater before we can drink it?

It is filtered.

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