Melting pot or salad bowl? - Countries of origin

14 important questions on Melting pot or salad bowl? - Countries of origin

How many people were living in America in 1800 including how many slaves?

only 3.9 million people,  including more than 750.000 saves from Africa.

In which two periods can you divide the history of immigration be divided?

White Europeans were the dominant group until about 1960. After this,new groups of immigrants came to the United States.  mainly hispanics and asians

How many American have European roots?

Two hundred million, two out of three. They are immigrants themselves, or their parents or ancestors were born in Europe and moved to America
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What is the history of the blacks?

they are descendants of African slaves who had to work on the cotton and tobacco plantations in the South-east of America. They stayed there after slavery was abolished, or moved to the  industrial cities, mainly in the north-east (Detroit and Chicago).

What are the Hispanics or Latinos?

they are Spanish speaking immigrants from Latin America.

Where do most of the Hispanics live?

in the south-west, in the states along the Mexican border

Why do every year many Mexicans cross the border illegally?

to work in agriculture and industry. They often do unskilled work and the wages are low. But on average they earn ten times more than in their own country.

How many Hispanics are there in America?

there are about 45 million Hispanics in the United States. Spanish is the second language in America.

Where does most of the Asian population live?

In the west (California) and in the big cities.

Why are they known as the 'model minority'.

Many Asians have a good education an have 'made it' in the US>.

When did US became a multicultural society?

after 1960, because many Hispanics and Asians (and fewer Europeans) came to the US then.

Describe the change in the population composition of the US

Rapid rise in the number of Hispanics (photo in Figure 3) and Asians, mainly at the cost of the inhabitants of European origin (the whites). In 2050, whites will even be in the minority!

What is the conclusion when you compare the characteristics of the four population groups.

Asians are successful as immigrants (high incomes), Hispanics (and blacks) do less well. Apparently, it is mainly well-educated Asians who emigrate to the United States.

Give two reasons for the rapid change in the population composition:

1 immigration (mainly family reunification and family formation)
2 larger number of children (in Hispanic families)

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