Go west, go south; people on the move

7 important questions on Go west, go south; people on the move

How many times do Americans move house?

every five years- twice as often as the Dutch.

In which four regions can America be divided?

north-east, midwest, south and west.

What changes how the population is distributed in the country?

Internal migration
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What is centre of population?

The point in a country where the size of the population is the same to the north, south, east and west.

California was always the number-one Sunbelt state. Millions of people moved to cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, Since when situation reversed?

since 1995. There is an emigration surplus now. Every year, around 175,000 people leave California.

By which two factors is population size influenced?

natural growth: births - deaths
2 net migration rate: immigration - emigration

When does a region have a emigration surplus?

When the number of people who leave is greater than the number of people who come to live there

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