Go west, go south - Sunbelt migrants

6 important questions on Go west, go south - Sunbelt migrants

Who are the mostly the people who come to live in the Sunbelt?

are white, wealthy families that want their children to grow up in pleasant, less urbanized surroundings.
Also many elderly people who want to enjoy their retirement in a beautiful sunny environment.

Who are mostly the migrants in the south-east?

wealthy whites and blacks. Blacks mainly come from big cities north to 'Black Belt'in the southeast, to historical, cultural roots

How do Hispanics and Asians migrate?

-account for a growing position of internal immigrants
-move from 'gateway states' to other states.
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What are the six gateway states?

California, Texas, Florida, Illinois, New York and New Jersey (the states coloured orange and red in figure 10).

Which two states have high immigration surpluses in internal migration and in international migration?, explain

Florida and Texas d They are true Sunbelt states and are close to the countries that foreign immigrants come from (role of distance): Mexicans to Texas, Cubans to Florida. Florida is particularly popular with retired people from New York.

Which two states have large internal emigration surpluses and international immigration surpluses?

California and New York. They are true melting-pot states: many immigrants, multicultural society. For immigrants, they are a gateway into the rest of the US.

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