Climate and the forces of nature

11 important questions on Climate and the forces of nature

What is the windward side?

the side of the mountain that the wind hits

Why is there a lot of rain in the south-east?

warm moist winds from the sea.

Why is the weather very extreme in the the desert states of Arizona and Nevada?

When temperature is very high, strong winds blow sand and dust high into the air (dust storms).
It can also rain ery heavily suddenly.
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What happens when it rains very suddenly?

The soil on bare slopes then quickly becomes very muddy and begins to shift.

What happens during these flash floods?

roads disappear under rivers of and and mud, and villages are cut off from the outside world.

When and where do hurricanes occur?

above warm seawater 27 degrees east of the Caribbean.

Why are the first hurricanes at the end of summer?

the the water has warmed up quite a lot

Where is the Mississippi drainage basis known for?

its floods

What was the result of the flood in 1993?

50 killed 30,000 had to leave their homes.

What was the disaster of 2008?

For many weeks, warm humid air flowed from south to middle and clashed with cold winds from Canada. Lot of rain fell-even more than 500 mm in some areas.

What is the peak period for tornadoes?

between March and July

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