Hunters and farmers - Living of agriculture - The agricultural revolution

6 important questions on Hunters and farmers - Living of agriculture - The agricultural revolution

When did people in the middle East took up agriculture?

About 10.000 BC

Name the two sorts of agriculture.

* Arable farming

* raising animals

Name two characteristics of the Agricultural society

* Economics (produce own food)

* people strted to live in fixed locations

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Why did they still have to hunt in the beginning of Agricultural society?

In the beginning agriculture did not produce very much.

Why did agriculture did not produce much in the beginning?

* the first farmers were very dependent os what happened in nature.

* they had to use a part of the harvest for reseeding.

What did the farmers do to make sure that there was Always enough to eat?

Build up supplies. (they made earthenware pots to keep the food in)

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