The Romans - Rome and the Germanic and Celtic people

19 important questions on The Romans - Rome and the Germanic and Celtic people

What happened in 57 BC?

the southern part of the Netherlands became a part of the Roman province Germania Inferior

What are Germanic nations?

the Frisians (north of the Netherlands)

the Batavians (in the middle of the Netherlands)

What are Celtic nations?

the Gauls (western Europe)

Cananefats (south of Holland)

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What did emperor Tiberius decide and when?

to use the Rhine as a northern border of the empire, 16AD

Why did the Romans construct roads?

moving the armies



Name 2 army camps in the Netherlands

Trajectum (Utrecht)

Castra Noviamagus (Nijmegen (biggest))

Witch goddess protected seaman?


What was the alliance between the Romans and the Batavians?

they could keep their own government and territory, they didn't have to pay taxes in return they had to supply soldiers to Rome

Who organized a revolt and when?

Julius Civilis

in 69 AD

Witch people helped Julius Civilis?

the Cananefats and the Frisians

Why were the Germanic nations on the move?

It was the result of other nomadic nations (the Huns)

Witch less developed cultures crossed the Rhine and started to live in the empire?

the Franks and the Saxons

Who solved the problem of the invasion of barbarians?

emperor Diocletian

What was the problem of the invasions?

the invasions made it harder to govern the empire

How did he solve the problem of the invasions?

he split the empire in 2 in 285 AD

What were the two parts of Rome?

western Roman empire (capital is Rome)

eastern Roman empire (capital is Constantinople)

What did the Germanic kingdoms end?

the Roman government in the north of France, Belgium and the south of the Netherlands 

What happened to Rome?

Rome became the capital of a Germanic kingdom in Italy (the end of the western Roman empire)

What did the Germanic nations in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal continue?

the Greco-Roman cultures

(Christianity, the Roman spoken language, Latin for recording the laws)

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