A society with towns - The land of the pharaoh

10 important questions on A society with towns - The land of the pharaoh

How is the handy system called

Irrigation agriculture

Why were some people more powerfull than others

Because they had to make agreements to let the system work 

What happend in 3000bc

King narmer conquered whole egypt
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What did king narmer build

Annew capital named Memphis

Why could the pharao build houses and piramids

Because the farmers had to pay a part of their harvests

It was 2300bc, who were plundering

The nomads from the desert

Who sent an enormous army

Pharao Pepi

Who bragged about his/her victories

Thutmose 1

What did the egyptians believe that the pharao was

A descendent from the king of the gods

What important task did the pharao had else

A religious task

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