The Romans - Roman society

16 important questions on The Romans - Roman society

What were the most of the inhabitants of the Roman empire?

farmers in the countryside (very important)

Why went people from the country (peasants) to the city?

because of the poverty in the country. many farmers had to become soldiers, harvest wasn't very successful

What did they do when they moved to the city?

there they went looking for work in trade or crafts.
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Who were the Gracchus brothers?

they were 2 administrators who proposed to the senates to hand out farming land

What happened to the Gracchus brothers?

they were murdered and so were 3000 supporters of them

who gave the orders to kill the Gracchus brothers and why?

rich senators and large landowners, it was there way to stay powerful and rich.

How was it possible that there was so many trade in the cities?

there was a very good road system and they had one Roman coin sestertius

What did you had to have to become a senator and why?

a million sesterces, because administrative functions were nor paid

Why did the patricians needed the support of the plebs (=common people)?

to be able to wage war, in the beginning the plebs were mainly soldiers

What was the right that was given to them and what plebs had advantage by that?

plebs could be elected at senator, but only the rich plebs could be elected (you still had to have a million dollars)

How were the poor people in Rome called?

proletarians ( from the word proles=children, they often had children)

how did the proletarians live?

they lived at the edge of the city in barracks often they had one room with a few straw mattresses and a bucket to relieve themselves in

For what were many Roman administrators in Rome afraid?

that the large group of proletarians would start fighting because of hunger and boredom

What was an other way for the proletarians to earn their way of living?

they could join a rich citizen as a client

What did the citizen give to the client?

food and money and he assisted them in court cases

What kind of work could strong, intelligent and female slaves do?

Strong slaves: gladiator, builder, work on a farm

Intelligent slaves: doctor, teacher, bookkeeper, civil servant

female slaves: housekeeper,


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