The Romans - Pompeii

9 important questions on The Romans - Pompeii

When was Pompeii hit by an earthquake?

on February 5, 62 AD

When did the mount Vesuvius erupt?

on August 24, 79 AD

What followed after a terrific bang?

a thick rain of ashes and debris
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Pompeii was a good place for ...... and ........, why?

trade and farming, because it was built near a bay and the ground was very fertile

What did emperor Titus call up?

civil servants to help people to dig up their possessions and dead menbers of the family.

How did people call the hill where Pompeii had stood?

Civita (Latin for town). Pompeii was forgotten

When was Pompeii rediscovered?

in 1748

What were the most precious finds and why?

many private homes, these had been left as if the inhabitants planned to return the follow day.

What can you see when you visit Pompeii nowadays?

it's like a time machine: streets, buildings, worn-out tracks of Roman horse and carts, read the Roman graffiti on the walls, bath houses, villas with wall paintings and mosaics, 

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