The Romans - from city to empire

20 important questions on The Romans - from city to empire

What became the official story of the foundation of Rome?

The legend of Romulus and Remus from around 200 BC, became very popular

What happened in 509 BC?

Superbus was kick out and Rome became a republic (no monarch)

What did Rome do to stimulate trade?

Rome worked together with other city-states in the region (got richer and richer)
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Why was Roma a direct threat to Carthage?

The Romans made more and more contact with other countries and traded to all the places around the Mediterranean sea

Which people founded Carthage?

The Phoenicians

What happened when Rome tried to conquer Sicily?

a bloody war between Rome and Carthage

What happened in 241 BC?

Rome succeeded in capturing Sicily

Who was Hannibal and what did he do?

he was a general from Carthage and he crossed the Alps with his army (and 37 elephants) he went to Rome, but the Romans won!

What happened to Carthage in 146 BC?

they were conquered by Rome and became part of the imperium Romanum (Roman Empire)

What did they made of Greece, Macedonia, Asian and all the other countries around the Mediterranean sea?

Roman provinces

Who ruled a province?

a Roman governor

What did the subjected nations had to provide?

soldiers, pay taxes (slaves, cereals, olive oil)

Who was Julius Caesar?

a powerful general, he was a consul and he had to conquer Gaul (France)

What did he do when he had conquered Gaul?

He organized a huge triumphal procession, he showed prisoners of war, robed goods and also the Gallic leader Vercingetorix

What is the title of the book that he wrote?

De Bello Gallico, this made him very popular in Rome

What is a dictator?

somebody who was appointed to rule alone for 6 months when there was an emergency situation (a powerful ruler)

How was Julius Caesar murdered and why?

a few senators were afraid that he would become a kind of king and that they would lose their power. during a meeting of the senate in 44BC they murdered him by stabbing him with knives 23 times.

what happened in 27 BC?

Octavianus (Julius Caesar's cousin) managed to obtain all important functions.

What was the title of Octavianus?

Augustus (he became an imperator)

When was the Roman empire at its biggest?

137 AD

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