Organizational purpose - Missioning and visioning - Introduction

3 important questions on Organizational purpose - Missioning and visioning - Introduction

Which four components of a corporate mission can be distinguished?

  • Organizational purpose: the reason for which an organization exists
  • Organizational beliefs
  • Organizational values
  • Business definitions  

What determines the strength of a the corporate mission?

The strenght will depend on whether the four elements fit together and are mutually reinforcing.
When a consistent mission is formed, it can infuse the organization with a sense of mission, creating an emotional bound between organizational members an energizing them to work according tot the mission.

What is the difference between a two-tier board and a one-tier board?

In a two-tier board, there is a formal division of power, with a management board made up of the top executives and a distinct supervisory board made up of non-executives with the task of monitoring and steering the management board.
In a one-tier board system, execurive and non-executive directors sit together on one board.

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