Strategievorming - Strategy formation - Perspectives on strategy formation

5 important questions on Strategievorming - Strategy formation - Perspectives on strategy formation

What are the two diametrically opposed pole positions about deliberateness and emergence?

  • Strategic planning perspective
  • Strategic incrementalism perspective

What is characteristic of the strategic planning perspective?

The entire process can be disassembled into a number of distinct stept that need to be carried out in a sequential and orderly way.

What are the difficulties of strategic planning?

  • Plan will always be based on assumptions about the future
  • Possible solutions:
    • contigency plans
    • regular reviews and realigning plans
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Who do strategies emerge according to incrementalists?

New stragegis emerge over time, as managers proactively piece together a viable course of action or reactively adapt to unfolding circumstances.
Strategy formation is essentially an innovation process. It is a disruptive process of organizational change.

Which weaknesses of planning show up when confronted with a wicked problem according to incrementalists?

  • Problems cannot be simply recognized and analysed, but can be interpreted and defined in many ways
  • A full analysis of a wicked problem is impossible
  • Developing a comprehensive plan to tackle a wicked problem is asking for trouble
  • Planners who believe that formulation and implementation can be separated underestimate the extent to which wicked problems are interactive.
  • Strategy has to do with the future and the future is inherently unknown

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