Strategievorming - Strategy formation - The paradox of deliberateness and emergence

5 important questions on Strategievorming - Strategy formation - The paradox of deliberateness and emergence

What is the central tension of strategy formation?

The duality of wanting to intentionally design the future, while needing to gradually explore, learn and adapt to an unfolding reality.

What is a plan?

It is an intended course of action, stipulating which measures a person or organization proposes to take.
It is a means towards an end.

What are the advantages of deliberate strategizing?

  • Direction
  • Commitment
  • Coordination
  • Optimization
  • Programming
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What is the difference between emergent strategy and ad hoc behaviour?

In emergent strategy a corherent pattern of action does evolve.

What are the advantages of emergent strategy?

  • Opportunism
  • Flexibility
  • Learning
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Support

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