Strategie - Organizational purpose - Stakeholdertheorie

4 important questions on Strategie - Organizational purpose - Stakeholdertheorie

Which stakeholder classes can be identified and which attributes do they posess?

Latent stakeholders: 1
  • dormant: power
  • discretionary: legitimacy
  • demanding: urgency
expectant stakeholders: 2
  • dominant: power + legitimacy
  • dependent: legitimacy + urgency
  • dangerous: power + urgency
definitive stakeholders: power + legitimacy + urgency
non-stakeholders/potential stakeholders: 0

What are the additional features of stakeholder attributes?

  • they are variable, not a seady state
  • they are socially constructed, not objective reality
  • consciousness and willful exercise may or may not be present

What is the rol of managers is stakeholders theory?

It is the firm's managers who determine which stakeholders are salient and therefore recieve management attention. The manager's perception if a stakeholder's attributes is critical to his/her view of stakeholder salience.
Managerial characteristics are an important moderator of the stakeholder-manager relationship.
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What are the 3 stakeholder attributes?

  • Power: a relationship among social actors in which one social actor, A, can get another sociale actor B, to do something that B would not have otherwise done.
    • coercive
    • ulitarian
    • normative
  • Legitimacy: a generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, propor or approriate within some socially constructued system of norms, values, beliefs, definitions
    • individual
    • organizational
    • societal
  • Urgency: the degree to which stakeholder claims call for immediate attention
    • time sensitivity
    • criticality

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