Strategy and Structure

3 important questions on Strategy and Structure

Four strategic choices

Home-replication strategy: Duplicating home country-based competencies in foreign countries. Low pressure for cost reduction and local responsiveness

Localization Strategy: Low pressure for cost reduction, but high pressure for local responsiveness. Treating each foreign national markets seperately(high costs)

Global Standardizaion strategy: Development and distribution of standardized products(Low costs)

Transnational strategy: Global learning and diffusion of innovations in multiple ways.

Four organizational structures

International Division: 1. Foreign subsidiary managers are not given sufficient voice relative to the heads of domestic divisions. 2. International division actions are not well coordinated with the rest of the firm. HOME REPLICATION

Geographic Area Structure: Organized by different geographic areas. LOCALIZATION

Global Product Division: Global responsibilities for each product division. GLOBAL STANDARDIZATION

Global Matrix: Sharing and coordination between product divisions and geographic divisions. TRANSNATIONAL

Explain how institutions affect strategy and structure

External relationships: Home country and foreign country formal frameworks.
Internal relationships: Formal and Informal management rules

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