The global burden of disease

3 important questions on The global burden of disease

Trends in the cases of deaths and Daly's 1990- 2016

The trend has been similar for DALYs and deaths, with some significant shifts from communicable diseases and other Group I diseases to non-communicable diseases and injuries. In light of longer lives and aging population, low back and neck pain and sensory organ disorders also appear in the list.

Causes of death and Daly's by sex

Vrouwen. Aantekening: studie op vrouwelijk gezondheid wordt vooral gefocust op reproductieve gezondheid.
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Also TB and HIV/AIDS
Bij mannen niet heel verschillend, komt overeen. Maar wel meer:
  • COPD
  • Road injuries
  • prostate and liver cancer
  • Self- harm 

Global burden of disease within countries:

As you consider causes of death and the burden of disease globally and by country income group, region, age and sex, it is also important to consider how deaths and DALYs vary within countries by gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status

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