The environment and health

3 important questions on The environment and health

What is the importance of environmental health?

Environmental health issues are major risk factors for the global burden of disease. The third leading cause of death in low-and middle-income countries is COPD, the fifth is lower respiratory infections and the seventh is diarrheal disease. Each of these is closely linked with environmental factors. Environmental health matters are also of special importance because addressing them effectively is central to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

What are the costs and consequences of these environmental diseases?

First, more than 20 % of the total global burden of disease is due to environmental risk factors which suggests substantial social and economic costs related to these issues.

Second, the burden of these risk factors and their related causes of disease fall disproportionately on relatively poor people.

Third, these environmental health burdens have very negative consequences on productivity

How to integrate investment choices about WASH?

It appears that the promotion of hygiene, sanitation and
construction of stand posts are all likely to be cost-effective in low- and middle-income countries. A sensible approach would be first promote hygiene, second promote low-cost sanitation schemes, third low-cost water supply schemes developed and finally the government should use its regulatory and authority to help with the costs.

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