Internationale Organisatie VN - Internationale organisatie - Development: Competing visions
4 important questions on Internationale Organisatie VN - Internationale organisatie - Development: Competing visions
What are six general themes of the alternative view of poverty and development?
- An emphasis on opportunity freedom and empowerment (non-materialistic needs)
- Self-reliance rather than reliance on states, donors or international bodies
- Ecological balance, sustainability and conservation of 'global commons' (water, land, air, forrest)
- Praising cultural diversity and stimulating social and cultural inclusion
- Increased local control through community action and democratic participation
- The view that poverty has a structural character, originating from disparities in the global trading system
What caused a recent increase in criticism on the pro-market and pro-growth view of development?
To what is the reduction or eradication of poverty clearly linked?
- Higher grades + faster learning
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What are Rostow's outlined five stages of economic growth?
- Traditional societies (rudimentary technology & pre-scientific values)
- Preconditions for take-off (societies exhibit a degree of capital mobilisation)
- Take-off (Economic growth is established)
- Drive to maturity (Economic diversification + Rising living standards)
- High mass consumption (Consumer good production oriented economy)
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding