Globalization since the 1940s - An Organizational Revolution? Multinationals and INGOs

6 important questions on Globalization since the 1940s - An Organizational Revolution? Multinationals and INGOs

What did global historians say about multinational corporations?

In the eyes of the new global historians, multinational corporations operate in distinctive ways and wield unprecedented power not just in the world economy, but in matters of the environment and in labor conditions and gender roles.

What is the most characteristic feature of multinational corporations?

Their most characteristic feature is the installation of production processes in various regions, often with different specializations depending on the area.

What was different about the contemporary multinational? What consequences did that have?

- The contemporary multinational may take one set of components for a product in Indonesia (either directly or through a subcontractor), another set in Turkey, a third set in Kentucky, for assembly in Mexico.
- This new degree of specialization and international coordination allows the company to seek lowest labor costs, cheapest raw materials, most lenient environmental regulation, all the while taking full advantage of the new facilities in global transportation and communication for sales distribution and management coordination.
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What are the INGOs? What did they do?

- Joining the multinationals, less powerful but sometimes providing a degree of counterbalance, were the International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO).
- INGOs varied greatly, but they all had some degree of international participation, on governing boards and among financial contributors, and they aimed at correcting problems in various parts of the world.
- Usually they linked to local NGOs that helped provide information about problems and might help monitor responses.

What did Amnesty International demonstrate? To what purpose was it founded and when?

- While it had roots deep in earlier global history - including the humanitarian concerns of Quakerism and the passionate efforts against slavery - Amnesty International demonstrated many of the qualities of the contemporary INGO, and it served as prototype for a host of other groups.
- Formed in 1961, with a London base, Amnesty initially sought to attack the political persecutions that were occurring within the framework of the Cold War.

What was the stock in trade for Amnesty International?

Outraged public opinion was its stock in trade: Amnesty worked hard to publicize cases of human rights violation, mobilizing massive petitions, urging voters to press their governments, using maximum publicity to prompt offenders to pull back.

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