A New Retreat? - More of the Same

7 important questions on A New Retreat? - More of the Same

What continuities of globalization were there in the twenty-first century?

- Many features of globalization continued to operate strongly.
- The Internet reached growing global audiences, consumerism advanced widely with the growth of middle classes in places in China and India;
- The world's environmental challenge expanded steadily.
- Protests against globalization continued, and intellectual or academic groups in many countries continued to warn against globalization's impact on the environment or on the world's poor or on cherished cultural identities; but some of this also had a familiar ring.

What developments offered particularly striking evidence of globalization's continued advance?

- By 2016, for example, Netflix had become a global company, with operations in 190 countries.
- Facebook and other social media became global sensations.

What problems were there because of social media?

Facilities allowed private and government operatives to set up fake accounts, distributing misinformation that played a major role in internal politics and conflicts.
- Russia and other countries used social media accounts to exacerbate partisan tensions in Ukraine, France, the United States, and elsewhere, sometimes playing a major role in election results.
- This was globalization of a new sort, and authorities struggled to develop effective countermeasures.
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What problem was also created by social media, besides spreading disinformation?

- Social media also played a growing role in global terrorism.
- Terrorists associated with ISIS and other organizations that claimed to represent a radical version of Islam used social media to indoctrinate partners in many countries.
- The same kinds of social media began to support white nationalist activity after about 2015, with a measurable increase in acts of violence, in several countries including the United States, the clear result.

What other major development contributed to new levels of globalization since 2013? What was it called?

- In 2013, Xi Jinping announced an ambitious Belt and Road initiative designed to promote new links between the Chinese economy and a number of other regions - in central and southeast Asia, in eastern Europe, and in various parts of Africa.
- The huge project interestingly invoked past global trade routes - it was sometimes called the Silk Road Economic Belt - but in fact its scope was unprecedented.

What did the Silk Road Economic Belt focus on? What is the "Maritime Silk Road"?

- The initiative focused primarily on massive infrastructure investments to create new rails and roads from China outward - ultimately, a road would run directly from China to Europe for the first time. Electric transmission lines and telecommunications networks also played an important role.
- But the overall initiatives also involved constructing new port facilities in Southeast Asia, Greece, and Africa, and Chinese enterprises were also active in Latin America.
- Chinese planners referred to a "Maritime Silk Road" to cover this aspect of the operation.

What three aspects of the Silk Road Economic Belt were important?

- First, it was a genuine extension of global links that potentially brought regions like Mongolia and Central Asia into the globalization process more fully than ever before. Chinese leaders, in fact, cast themselves as major proponents of economic globalization overall.
- Second, it testified to the obvious fact that China, and not just the West and Japan, had become a major global player, creating new concerns about competition in the established centers.
- And third, to some critics at least, it suggested a new form of economic colonialism, particularly involving countries whose debts might place them effectively under Chinese control.

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