The 1850s as Turning Point: The Birth of Globalization? - The Emergence of Global Political Institutions - The Emergence of "World Opinion" and Global Humanitarianism

6 important questions on The 1850s as Turning Point: The Birth of Globalization? - The Emergence of Global Political Institutions - The Emergence of "World Opinion" and Global Humanitarianism

What are INGOs? When did they start to form?

A growing number of international non-governmental organizations (as they are now called, or INGOs) began to form by the 1860s, though with a clearer surge in the 1880s - a bit after the first push for state-to-state efforts, but in the same spirit and covering an even wider range of topics.

Who formed Workingmen's International? What did it want?

In 1864 Karl Marx formed the first Workingmen's International, designed to promote labor solidarity (and Marxist principles) across borders.
The First International assumed that labor interests transcended nation-states, and that capitalism, itself an international force, needed to be confronted on the same turf.

What is the White Slave trade?

Around 1900 a fierce effort was directed against the real or imagined seizure of women for prostitution in other countries - what was called the White Slave trade.
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Who was the international Red Cross?

Branching off from the discussions that led to the initial Geneva conventions to help regulate behavior in war, the International Red Cross movement emerged in 1860s.
The International Red Cross and many national affiliates began to provide a variety of humanitarian services particularly in wartime, but in response to national disasters and other calamities as well - again seeking to respond across national borders.

What was the World Purity Federation?

A new World Purity Federation formed in 1900, and soon there was an international agreement to fight the global sex trade (1904), with a new International Bureau set up to monitor.

How did global politics and humanitarianism affect globalization?

Though not yet as effective or as consequential as more familiar categories, like global trade, they could nevertheless affect state policy and individual behavior alike.
They expressed and furthered a new sense of unity among different peoples.

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