KC 13 Administrative Burdens 2. (Keiser & Miller and Burden et al.)
9 important questions on KC 13 Administrative Burdens 2. (Keiser & Miller and Burden et al.)
What evidence found Keiser & Miller in their study on the effect of administrative burdens as symbols on citizens (i.e. Signaling)?
How do Burden et al. Define the burdens that are experienced by bureaucrats?
What is bureau shaping?
perceptions of administrative burden will influence preferences for the structural allocation of a task, or
More specifically, we expect that officials will prefer to shift burdensome tasks to other actors.
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What is the result of the study of Burden et al.?
Perceived burdens result in bureau shaping.
Give three reasons why administrative burdens matter
- Consequential
- Distributive
- Constructed
Why are burdens consequential?
Why are burdens distributive?
- some people rely more on government programs and therefore experience more on onerous procedures
- Some people have less human capital: Human capital = Education, health, psychological resourches, money, social capital
Why are burdens constructed?
- Burdens are the product of political and administrative choices
- So political actors can choose to create more, amplify or diminish burdens
What role can third parties have in burdens?
- Lobby
- change learning costs
- can help them
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