Atomic Structure - Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom
4 important questions on Atomic Structure - Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom
Contribution of Louis DeBroglie
- elementary particles of both energy & matter behave (dep. on conditions) like particles or waves
2. In exps, demonstrated tht a beam of e-s could be bent/diffracted
- by passing thru a crystal (thru a prism)
Werner Heisenberg's contribution?
- ∴ exact location of an e- cannot be determined
What is Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP)?
- measuring 1 property interferes w/ or alters the other when observing position & momentum
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Erwin Schrödinger's contribution?
- gives probability of finding e- location
- a solution to the eq produces a set of 3 quantum numbers
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