Green Calgary
7 important questions on Green Calgary
What are the 4 values of Green Calgary?
- Leadership: Lead by example and inspire others to champion environmental leadership in their homes, workplaces, schools and communities
- Integrity: We commit ourselves to maintaining the trust and responsibilities placed upon us by our donors, members, volunteers, funders and other stakeholders.
- Teamwork: We strive to create and support effective partnerships between volunteers and employees, and we seek opportunities to form alliances with others.
- Education: We are committed to the collection and communication of information, and to offering the tools to put that information to good use.
What are the 4 key program areas of outreach?
- Green Homes and Communities
- Green Workplace
- Green Kids & Generation Green
- EcoStore & Rain Barrel Sales
What are the 3 key strategic focus areas of Green Calgary? Why are these picked?
- Waste: Reduce, Re-use Recycle & Compost
- Water: Stormwater, Rainwater, Conservation
- Energy: Renewable, Conservation
These directly address the causes of climate change & explores mitigation and adaption.
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
How many full-time equivalent positions did Green Calgary employ in 2015?
How many volunteers does the organization have? How many were active last year? How many hours of volunteer work and what value?
177 actively volunteered in 2015
2156 hours, total value of $32,340
How many members did Green Calgary have in 2015? What form of membership was introduced last year?
What are the 5 categories of membership with Green Calgary?
- Family
- Individual
- Low Income
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Corporate
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding