Conflict - context van groepen

8 important questions on Conflict - context van groepen

Aggression evolved as a strategy:
explain what competition over resources mean?

How to get valuable resources that other have e.g. stealing from a shop keeper 

Aggression evolved as a strategy:
explain what self-defense means?

defend one self (or one's group) against exploitation of physical attack e.g.  a woman gossiping about promiscuilty of her female friend or shooting at an enemy soldier. Also it is a comment strategy among animals. 

Aggression evolved as a strategy:
explain what preventing others from hurting you

Deter to others from being aggressive towards you 
e.g. an aggressive tatoo or
culture of honor
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Aggression evolved as a strategy:
explain what improving your status means

How to climb up in you dominance hierarchy of a group. e.g. killing the sister who lost her virginity before her marriage. (=honour killing) or carrying a knife to school or politicans, gangs, leaders, scientist or even bullying

Aggression evolved as a strategy:
explain what competition for partner means

How to inflict cost on intra-sexual rivals (and get access to mates) e.g. one man killing an other man at the bar or rape or 

Aggression evolved as a strategy:
explain what keeping your partner means

How to deter long-term mates from infidelity 
e.g. domestic violance (huishoudelijk geweld) or jealousy as mate retention strategy 

You have a couple of tactics to solve conflicts, name them

soft negotiator :  Friendly, agreeable, trust others
hard negotiator:  Adversaries, victory, distrust others
principle negotiator: Problem solver, wise, proceed independently of trust

Dual concern model of conflict styles, give the domains and the four possibilities. 

concern of the self 
concern of the other 

low concern of the self and high concern of the self (X-as)
low concern of other and high concern of the other ( Y-as)
Yielding  | Cooperating
avoiding |  fighting

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