Teamwork and leadership

11 important questions on Teamwork and leadership

What are team diversity caused by?

  • Emancipation
  • Immigration
  • We just seem to get older

What are types of diversity?

  • Demographic vs informational
  • More vs less job-related
  • Deep-level vs surface level

What does the Categorization-Elaboration Model contain?

Task requirements
  • Task complexity
  • Motivation and ability
  • Cooperation
  • Interdependence

Specific diversity constellation (faultlines)
Social identity threat
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What are moderators of the diversity-performance relation?

  • Salience of diversity characteristics / Perceptions of diversity
  • Task type
  • Team climate
  • Corporate culture, etc.!
  • Diversity beliefs
  • Leader effectiveness

What is the dark side of visionary leadership?

Ethnically diverse groups: Leader categorization tendency

What predicts a leader?

  • Intelligence
  • Personality
  • Diffuse status characteristics and specific characteristics
  • Prototypicality
  • Emotional intelligence

What are ways that leaders facilitate team processes?

  • Initiating or formulating goals
  • Encouraging interaction among all group members
  • Finding the necessary resources to get the job done
  • Encouraging diverse points of view
  • Acting as coach
  • Clarifying members’ responses
  • Organizing the group’s thinking

By what is shared leadership predicted?

  • Shared purpose
  • Social support
  • Voice
  • External coaching

What are the two broad research traditions that guided the team diversity research?

  1. Information-processing perspective argues that diversity associates with an increase in available resources.
  2. Social categorization perspective is derived from social identity and self-categorization theory. People tend to use diversity as a basis for social categorization.

What does disparity represent?

Differences among members along a vertical continuum of valued social assets > power, pay and status.

Where do team mental models refer to?

To organized knowledge structues that allow team members to interact with each other and perform the team's task.

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