Studying small groups - Campion, Medsker & Higgs (2006

5 important questions on Studying small groups - Campion, Medsker & Higgs (2006

Which five themes and characteristics are related to work group effectiveness?

  1. Job Design
  2. Interdependence
  3. Composition
  4. Context
  5. Process

What is the theme Job Design?

  • Self-Management, autonomy at the individual job level
  • Participation, degree to which all members are allowed to participate in decisions
  • Task Variety, giving each member the chance to perform a number of the group's tasks
  • Task Significance, members should believe that their group's work has significant consequences
  • Task Identity, the degree tot which the group completes a whole and separate piece of work.

What is the theme Composition?

  • Heterogeneity in terms of abilities and experiences has been found to have a positive effect on performance.
  • Flexibility, if members can perform each other's jobs, effectiveness is enhanced because they can fill in as needed
  • Relative Size, large enough to accomplish the work, but not too large
  • Preference for Group Work
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What is the theme Context?

  • Training, team philosofy, group decision making, interpersonal skills and technical knowledge.
  • Managerial Support, material and information
  • Communication / Cooperation Between Groups

What is the theme Process?

  • Potency, believe by the group that it can be effective
  • Social Support, members help each other and have positive social interactions
  • Workload Sharing, preventing social-loafing or free-riding
  • Communication / Cooperation Between Groups

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