Group idea generation and creativity - De Dreu, Nijstad & van Knippenberg (2008)

6 important questions on Group idea generation and creativity - De Dreu, Nijstad & van Knippenberg (2008)

What refers epistemic motivation to?

Epistemic motivation refers to the willingness to expend effort to achieve a thorough, rich, and accurate understanding of the world, including the group task or decision problem at hand.

How is social motivation defined?

Social motivation is defined as the individual preference for outcome distributions
between oneself and other group members and can be proself (i.e., the individual is concerned with own outcomes only) or prosocial (i.e., the individual is concerned with joint outcomes and fairness).

What do De Dreu, Nijstad & van Knippenberg argue?

Most important, we argue that epistemic motivation and social motivation interact to influence individual and group creative performance, the nature of information
exchange and integration, and the quality of group judgment and negotiated agreement.
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What is group polarization?

The tendency for group members to shift to more extreme positions after group discussion (persuasive arguments theory & social comparison theory)

What is the sufficiency principle?

The more decision makers perceive their current state of knowledge and information as insufficient to make a decision of satisfactory quality, the more they are motivated to engage in systematic processing of decision-relevant information.

When, in contrast, decision makers feel they already have the information they need to make a decision, epistemic needs are satisfied and there will be no additional search for and processing of new information.

What is group centerdness?

The behavioral syndrome of group members to pressure themselves and others to opinion uniformity, toward stability of knowledge and perspective, and to enhance the value and validity of group features and characteristics. Lower need for cognitive closure should come hand in hand with lower group centeredness.

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