Group idea generation and creativity

14 important questions on Group idea generation and creativity

What are characteristics of brainstorming?

  • Additive task
  • Idea generation without evaluation
  • Assessing through feasibility and originality

What are the reasons of coordination losses?

Production blocking and evaluation apprehension

Why are there illusions of group productivity?

  • Brainstorming in groups feels easier
  • Social comparison
  • Overestimating performance in group
  • Sit back and listen when you are stuck: No struggle
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Where is idea selection by determined?

  • Quality ideas selected
  • Effectiveness of selection process

What makes a group creative?

  • Competitiveness
  • Change in group membership
  • Individualistic values
  • Effective processes

What are the causes of the productivity loss?

  • Motivation loss, group members may feel that their contribution is not really needed
  • Coordination loss, the fear of being negatively evaluated by fellow group members, production blocking

What is downward matching?

This implies that the more productive group members will produce fewer ideas, and the performance of the group will suffer.

What are the downsides of EBS?

  • They are expensive
  • Require that every member has a computer
  • These computers are interconnected in an internal network
  • It requires software that most people would not normally have

Why are the ideas of others stimulating?

New ideas usually result from new combinations of existing knowledge. When one is generating ideas, available knowledge must first be activated in memory, after which it an be used to generate ideas.

Why do people have this illusion that group sessions are effective means of generating ideas?

  1. Group members have the opportunity to compare their performance with that of other members, most group members will reach the conclusion that they have contributed about as many ideas as other members.
  2. Groups members (perhaps unconsciously) take credit for ideas that were actually suggested by another member, because they cannot accurately recall who has generated which idea.

In what groups does creativity be more benefitual?

From an atmosphere in which individuality and uniqueness are valued, because this affects the likelihood that group members take divergent perspectives rather than conform to group pressures.

By what is the performance influenced?

Individual differences
  • + Cognitive ability (unlearning & learning)
  • + Conscientiousness (high goal-setting and being perseverant)
  • + Openness to experience (more creative & receptive to change)

Role structure adaptation which is affected by
This study: Team composition
  • + Cognitive ability
  • + Member achievement (perseverance and self-efficacy)

Member dependability (less spontaneous, stay with old habits)
  • + Openness to experience

Which two cognitive processes does creative problem solving require?

  1. Divergent thinking, thinking broadly and using different categories of knowledge to generate ideas
  2. Convergent thinking, evaluating the different ideas and choosing an idea to pursue

How can teams be creative?

  1. At least one team member needs to score moderately on openness to experience to be able to generate a number of ideas
  1. Team needs to have at least one member low on openness to experience to help the team critically evaluate the ideas and successfully converge on one best idea to pursue

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