A theoretical framework

3 important questions on A theoretical framework

How can you see groups as multilevel systems?

  • Individual level
  • Interpersonal / Dyadic level
  • Group level
  • Organizational level

What types of tasks are there in groups?

  1. Additive tasks: potential performance of the group is given by the sum or average of individual inputs (filling envelopes)
  2. Disjunctive tasks: potential performance of the group is given by performance of the best member (decision-making)
  3. Conjunctive tasks: potential performance of the group is given by performance of the worst member (mountain-climbing)
  4. Discretionary tasks: potential performance of the group is given by any combination of individual performance up to the discretion of the group (making music)

What kind of group outputs are there?

  • Performance dimensions
  • Comparison standards
  • The appropriate individual baseline
  • Integration

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