Audience and co-action effects

5 important questions on Audience and co-action effects

What are the problems with Zajonc's theory?

The role of arousal
  • Challenge
  • Threat
Mere presence does not always produce social facilitation

  • Evaluation apprehension

What is the distraction conflict theory?

  • The presence of others is distracting
  • Non-social distracters produce facilitation and inhibition effects
  • The role of attentional conflict

When does competition happen in combination with social comparison processes?

  • With similar others
  • Upward comparison
  • Only when co-actor is slightly better in simple tasks
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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What is the co-action paradigm?

People work on a task in the presence of others also working on the same task, everybody is calling people or work on the same thing in the same room.

What are two componentes of self-efficacy?

  1. The belief that one is capable of performing a required behaviour, you know you can do it.
  2. The belief that the behaviour will result in certain outcomes, I can’t do it so I won’t do it for the group.

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