Execution and Control - Implementation planning

5 important questions on Execution and Control - Implementation planning

What are the steps to resource a project?

  1. Identify what is to be achieved
  2. Identify the skills and skill types required to do the work to achieve each milestone
  3. Identify the people available
  4. Assess the competence of the people available
  5. Identify any training required
  6. Negotiate with the resource providers
  7. Ensure appropriate facilities and equipment are available

Name the 5 steps in planning and scheduling activities

  1. Define activities requiresd to reach a milestone
  2. Ratify the people involved
  3. Define roles and responsibilities
  4. Estimate work content and durations
  5. Schedule the activities within the work package

What is a work-to list?

It's a list of activities to which a person or resource is assigned. The activities may be listed by Work Package or by Time Period.
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In what 2 forms can the work-to list be presented?

  1. Responsibility chart
  2. Output from a computer system

What will the work-to list become at the end of the control period?

It will become a turnaround document through which the project team reports progress.

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