Leading change - Projects and their management

7 important questions on Leading change - Projects and their management

What are the three fundamental levels over which a project is managed?

  1. the integrative level (een geheel vormend)
  2. the stategic of administrative level
  3. the tactical or operational level

What tools can be used in the integrative level?

The Project Definition Report

What are (a.o.) the achievements of the integrative level?

  • the desired performance improvement is identified
  • areas of work and categories of resource requierd are defined
  • a functional design of the new asset is developed
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What are the tools used in the strategic of administrative level?

  • milestoneplan
  • responsibility chart

What's (a.o.) achieved in the strategic or administrative level?

  • intermediate goals or milestones requierd to achieve the objectives are defined.
  • responsibility of organizational units, functions and disciplines for work packages is defined.
  • budgets are developed.
  • the definition of this level starts during the feasibility stage and is consolidated in the design stage.

What are the tools used in the tactical or operational level?

  • activity schedule
  • responsibility chart

What is (a.o.) achieved in the tactical or operational level?

  • the activities required to achieve each milestone
  • the responsibilities of named people against te activities are defined
  • a detail design of the facility is developed.
  • the definition of this level starts during de design stage and is consolidated during the execution stage with the detail design.

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