Project Governance - Communicating with the sponsor

3 important questions on Project Governance - Communicating with the sponsor

What information does the sponsor need from the PM to help build the comfort?

  1. The new asset will function and be fit for its purpose
  2. The right process has been adopted to deliver them in the optimum way
  3. It will be deliverd within time, cost and performance targets
  4. The PM is behving in a professional and trustworthy manner
  5. Appropriate controls are in place to achieve all the above

What questions of the sponsor need to be answered?

  1. Questions of product: will the new asset be fit for its purpose?
  2. Questions of process: has the right process been adopted to deliver it in the optimum way?
  3. Questions of surprising avoidance: is the PM behaving in a professional and trustworthy manner and are there any nasty surprises in the form of risks or other issues that are going to prevent any of the above?

What 2 ways of communication to client want from the PM?

  1. Written reports: delivered once every 2 weeks, reporting project performance data: time, cost and functionality
  2. Verbal reports: delivered once a week, reporting on risks and issues

Both are calendar-driven.

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