Organizational capability - Developing organizational capability

3 important questions on Organizational capability - Developing organizational capability

What are the pruposes of the procedures manual?

  1. A guide to the management process
  2. A consistent approach and common vocabulary
  3. A basis for company rersource planning
  4. Training of new staff especially apprentice project managers
  5. Demonstration of procedures to clients
  6. The basis for quality accreditation

2 warnings:
  1. Guidelines not rigid rules
  2. Different procedures for diffrent types of projects

Developing organizational capability can be realized by?

  • Procedures manuals
  • Project management community of practices
  • Reviews, health checks and audits
  • Benchmarking and maturity

What are the 5 levels of the CMM model?

  1. Ad hoc processes, no guidance, no consistency
  2. Procedures for individual processes, minimum guidance
  3. Full procedures manual, group support
  4. Processes measured, collection of experiences and learning through reviews
  5. Benchmarking,continuous improvement

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