
6 important questions on Closeout

What can help to complete all work in a timely and efficient manner?

  • Planning and control at a lower level of breakdown
  • Disbanding the team and forming task forces
  • Closing contracts
  • Manager with finishing skills

What are the key issues in transferring the new asset to the users?

  • Planning for transition
  • Ensuring that the users accept the product
  • Training the users in the operation of the facility
  • Ensuring a definite cutover (signing off completion certificates (discharge) responsibility is transferred and final payments have been made)
  • Recording the As-Built design --> final configuration
  • Ensuring continuing service or maintenance of the facility

What 4 steps does the control process consist off?

  1. Create a measure of the desired performance improvement
  2. Monitor achievement of that measure
  3. Calculate variances between the measure and achievement
  4. Take action to remove those variances
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What key elements in the disbanding process do you know?

  • Planning the rundown of resources in advance
  • Returning resources promptly to their line managers
  • Debriefing meeting --> retrospective
  • End-of-Project party
  • Rewarding achievement
  • Disciplining underachievement --> giving feedback helps improvement
  • Career review

Why is it important to gather data about the project performance?

  • To record the As-Built design (final configuration)
  • To obtain acomparison of final costs and benefits for feeding back to the estimating and selection of future projects
  • To record the technical achievement on the project for feeding back to the design and selection of future projects
  • To review the successes and failures of the project and the lessons learned for feeding back to the management of future projects

How can you review the success and failures on projects?

  1. Debriefing meetings
  2. Postcompletion audits (formal review of the project against a checklist, often performed by external consultants)

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