Governance of the project-based organization

6 important questions on Governance of the project-based organization

What does the APM guide suggests the aims of good corporate governance?

  • A clear link between coporate strategy and project objectives
  • Clear ownership and leadership from sr. management
  • Engagement with stakeholders
  • Organizational capability
  • Understanding of and contact with the supply industry at sr. level
  • Evaluation of project proposals based on their value to the organization
  • A focus on breaking down development and implementation into manageable steps

What 4 components of the management of project management does APM indentify?

  1. Portfolio direction(PD)
  2. Project sponsorship (PS)
  3. Project management (PM)
  4. Disclosure and reporting (DR)

Why should you perform audits at several point throughout the project?

  1. Check that the design is correct
  2. Ensure the quality of the management processes
  3. Learn from past success
  4. Avoid past mistakes
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Name the 7 steps of conducting an audit

  1. Conduct interviews
  2. Analyze data
  3. Sample management reports
  4. Compare against a standard of best practices
  5. Repeat step 1 -4 as necessary
  6. Identify strenghts and weaknesses of the management approach
  7. Define opportunities for improvement

Name 2 types of health checks (primarily qualitative)

  1. The projectivity diagnostic : reviews the project management capability of the organization (not an individual project
  2. The project success diagnostic : check on an individual project

Which relationships of trust do you know?

  1. The governance structure has to trust the project manager to respond appropriately if faced with an ethical decision
  2. If the governance structure has delegated the taking of decisions to the project manager, the project manager has to trust him- or herself to act appropriately.
  3. If the project manager feels unable to address the issue, he or she may refer it to the governance structure, but then needs to trust the governance structure to give an appropriate response. If this trust is missing, it can lead to a spiral of mistrust.

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