Project Governance - The Principal-Agent relationship

4 important questions on Project Governance - The Principal-Agent relationship

What are 3 necessary conditions for project success?

  1. The project participants, especially the project manager and sponsor should work together in a partnership.
  2. The project manager should be empowered but not given total license.
  3. The sponsor should take an interest in progress

When does a Principal-Agent relationship exist?

If one party (Principal) depends on another (the agent) to undertake an action on the principals behalf.

This is clearly the relationship the sponsor (principal) has with the project manager (the agent).

What costs does the Principal-Agent relationship create over and above the cost of work?

  1. The cost of forming asnd managing the contractual relationship
  2. The cost of communication between the PM and sponsor
  3. Bonding costs where the PM binds the sponsor into the relationship
  4. Residual loss because the new asset does not perform precisely as required.
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What is the Sponsor/PM relationship subject to?

  • The adverse selection problem
  • The moral hazard problem

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