Risk - Controlling Risk

13 important questions on Risk - Controlling Risk

What 3 approaches in reducing risks are there?

  1. Avoid it: you plan to eliminate or substantially reduce the risk
  2. Deflect it: you try to pass the risk on to someone else
  3. Contingency: you draw up contingency plans should the risk occur

How can you deflect risks?

  • Insurance: by which it is passed to a third party
  • Bonding: by which a security is held against the risk
  • The contract: by which it is passed between owner, contractor and sub-contractors

Under what 2 circumstances can a risk be passed to a contractor?

  1. When they are the best party to control it
  2. When the risk has a high likelihood and low consequences
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What 2 contingency approaches do you know?

  1. Make an allowance by increasing the time and/or cost budgets (at least 2: (1) baseline (raw estimate without contingency) communicated to the team and (2) the estimate with contingency communicated to the owner
  2. Plan to change the scope by drawing up contingency plans should the risk occur

What formula can be used for determining to draw up contingency plans?

L X C = l X c + cost

If the Likelihood X Consequence without the action is greater than de likelihood X consequence plus the cost of the action, then the action is worthwhile.

What are the 6 steps of risk management?

  1. Identify the risk
  2. Assess the impact op individual risks
  3. Prioiritize risks for further analysis
  4. Assess overall impact of risks
  5. Develop a risk reduction plan
  6. Control the identified risks

Which 2 techniques for identifying risks do you know?

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Mechanistic process based on plan decomposition and expert judgement

What 2 tyoes of risks do you know?

  1. Business risk
  2. Insurable risks

What 5 sources of risks do you know?

  1. External - unpredictable
  2. External - predictable
  3. Internal - technical
  4. Internal - nontechnical
  5. Legal

What can you use in assessing the combined impact of several risks?

  • A top-down approach based on plan decomposition
  • A bottom-up approach and Monte Carlo analysis
  • Influence diagrams

What 3 ways of reducing risks do you know?

  1. Avoidance
  2. Deflection, either by Insurance or through the contract
  3. Contingency

What 3 types of contingency do you know?

  1. Pure contingency
  2. Contingency with essential prior asction
  3. Contingency with mitigating prior action

What are the 4 steps in controlling risks?

  1. Draw up a risk management plan consisting of risk item tracking forms
  2. Monitor progress of the significant few, using the risk register
  3. Reassess risks at regular intervals, and at key milestones or stage transitions
  4. Take action to overcome any divergence from plan

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