Environmental influences - External factors - Environmental factors

15 important questions on Environmental influences - External factors - Environmental factors

What are important elements of a healthy economy

  • clean living environment
  • Healthy climate

vital natural capital is an essential production factor and represents significant economic value.

How can a collaboration with likeminded nations help climate change?

It can help to speed up developments and get a running start to stay ahead of the rest of the pack, which will eventually also make the transition to more climate-centric policies.

Which agreements have been made in the Paris Climate Treaty?

  • Global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial era.
  • A rapid reduction to zero of the use of fossil fuels, as this constitutes a major cause of excessive carbon emission levels.
  • Members are required to draft national climate plans (National Determined Contributions
  • Signatory nations have to financially support developing countries in reducing their emissions.

The Netherlands ratified the accord in July of 2017. By now, 195 countries have signed the Treaty.
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How often will a worldwide evaluation ("Global Stocktake") into (the reduction in) emissions will be scheduled?

Every five years

What are the weaknesses of the Climate Accord?

  • Signatory nations determine their own climate objectives
  • No mention is made of aviation or shipping
  • There isn't any form of sanctions

What have seven dutch political parties signed in July, 2018?

A national climate accord. The Netherlands used reports by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) as the basis for its climate policy.

What is the most important goal of the national climate accord?

49% reduction in the emission of greenhouse gasses by 2030 compared to the emission levels in 1990, followed by a 95% reduction in 2050. The cabinet's European approach may lead to a further reduction coming to 55% instead of 49% in total.

What cause climate change, with major repercussions for plant-life and wildlife, harvest, water levels, and humanity?

Excess greenhouse gasses

Governments, businesses, and societal organizations have made agreements and submitted proposals for achieving the established target in five different areas. What are these areas and the reduction in CO2?

  1. Housing (reduce emissions by 7%);
  2. Electricity (reduce emissions by 41%)
  3. Industry (reduce emissions by 29%)
  4. Agriculture (reduce emissions by 7%)
  5. Mobility/transport (reduce emissions by 15%)

How can we reduce emissions with housing? (responsibility of all residents of The Netherlands)

  • Proper insulation
  • Use of sustainable heat source

How can we reduce emissions with electricity?

Ultimate goal: a free electricity system

  • A switch from fossil fuels to sustainable energy
  • Windmills
  • Solar panels

How can we reduce emission with industry?

This aspect requires innovation and collaboration between countries.

  • Electrification
  • more efficient use of heat and warmth
  • Reusing of resources

How can we reduce emission with agriculture?

  • Reduction of methane output in the meat industry
  • improved use of land
  • restricting the use of fertiliser
  • Geothermal power (greenhouse and horticultural industries)
  • A shift from animal to plant proteins (food consumption)

How can we reduce emission with mobility?

  • Electrically powered driving
  • Public transportation must become cleaner
  • encouraging the bicycle as a mode of transport

The environment is seen as one of the main strategic fields of interest during the coming years. Which three dimensions has a the environmental challenge for organisations?

  • Cleaning up current activities
  • Utilizing new opportunities
  • Working on a sustainable future

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