Individuals and groups - Motivation

6 important questions on Individuals and groups - Motivation

What means Job instrinsic motivation

Motivated to see their work as a challenge, the need for acknowledgement and self-fulfilment. Motivation is long term

What is job extrinsic motivation

It derives from items extrinsic to the job like work circumstances rewards, bonuses and status. Motivation is short term

How is the alderfers theory also called

The ERG theory
1: existential needs: material security
2:Relation needs: acceptance and the need for acknowledgement
3:growth needs: personal growth and self fulfilment 
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What is the difference between the opinion of Maslow and Alderfer as to the opinion of Mcclelland

Maslow and Alderfer say that the needs are fixed whereas mccallend says that needs are learned

What is McClelland's opinion about the needs

That the profile of the needs takes place mainly during the first years of life while other researchers do not agree and say the profile of the needs is situation dependent

When does the employee perform better according to the  Expectancy theory of Vroom

1. How greater they estimate the chance of good results
2. The greater their chance of obtaining certain rewards
3. The higher the rewards

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