Individuals and groups - Groups and Teams

8 important questions on Individuals and groups - Groups and Teams

What is an important aspect for an successful organisation


What is a group

A group is when two or more people consciously collaborate in order to achieve their aim.

What is a formal group

For example a management team, work together toll the task is done. A formal group is also called task force
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What is and means an informal group

An informal group can be made by employees themself and is based on friendship or common interests. This group is outside the structure of the organisation but still really important

What is a horizontal group and what is a vertical group

Horizontal: people who are on the same hierarchical level of the organization. Build to harmonize and coordinate particular activities.

Vertical: People who originate from different hierarchical levels.  
found in the domain of communication

What is a mixed group

The combination of horizontal and vertical group

Virtual teams What does it mean

It means that you can have meetings online and do not need to meet physically which makes it easier to work worldwide.
it safes money but it is also harder to collaborate because of the different cultures

What is the difference between a self-governing team and a functional team

Self-governing team: a group of employees is responsible for its own activities to a certain degree, but also for the results achieved by the team as a whole. They can rotate their work within their group.

Functional team (traditional team): They need to follow the instructions of the manager and everybody is responsible for their own specific task.

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